The Aims of the Project
Given the names “Fred” and “Katie”, a pair of Peregrines have taken up residency on the tower of St Mary's Church. Because this could become a breeding site, possibly hindering maintenance and church events, the installation of a nest box, in a location that would not affect church operations, was discussed with the church council who gave the full cooperation of the church authorities to the proposal. No Peregrines have ever, in local memory, resided on this church before. Following the installation of the nest box, the project then moved to installing a camera in the box to record events and live stream at certain times. In late 2023, a camera was mounted on the box thanks to considerable funding from The Dedham Vale National Landscape and Stour Valley Project through a Sustainable Development Grant.
Throughout 2023, both Fred and Katie have been seen on the church, sometimes singly, sometimes together although unfortunately they didn't produce any chicks. This may be due to the male being a juvenile. We have every hope for young in 2024.
For more information on the Peregrine Falcon, please click here to go to the RSPB website.
Welcome to the Stoke by Nayland Peregrine Project website. Dedicated to conserving and protecting the peregrine falcons that nest on the tower of St Mary's Church, Stoke by Nayland. The project aims to raise awareness about these magnificent birds and the importance of preserving their natural habitat. Through events, road-shows and talks at locations in the area, the aim is to provide information about these beautiful birds and the natural landscape and ecology of south Suffolk. The project team has received support from various organisations and bodies. Details of these can be found here.