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2024 Peregrine Sightings

Please send your sighting on the church via Whatsapp to 07774 988067
stating date, time, church tower face, event (mating, food exchange etc) and sex, if known.

Peregrines are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 as amended by the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It is an offence to intentionally disturb any of these species during the breeding season without a valid licence.

7    13:00 South (M/F Unknown) Gargoyle
10  14:00 South (M/F Unknown)  Gargoyle
14  15:17 East (M/F Unknown) Gargoyle

15  11:45 South (Female) Gargoyle
18  08:15 East (Female) Gargoyle
19  07:45 East (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
22  08:10 North (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
22  14:00 North (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner

23  08:30 East (Unknown) Gargoyle
24  08:05 East (Unknown) Gargoyle
25  07:55 East (Unknown) Gargoyle
26  07:50 East (Unknown) Gargoyle
26  16:05 North (Unknown) Gargoyle
28  14:00 North (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
29  08:10 East (Unknown) Gargoyle



01 08:00 North (Male) Box

03 08:00 North (Male) Box

03 16:09 North (Male) Box

04 16:05 East (Unknown) Gargoyle  (no box sighting)

05 06:00 North (Male) Box

07 06:30 North (Male) Box

07 14:00 North (Male) Box

08 08:00 North (Male) Box Feeding

Intermittent sightings of male ... but no female.

No further sightings in April 

02  16:00 Seen flying in open ground near Rowley Wood.
03  12:00 South (Unknown) Gargoyle
04  07:30 East (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
04  11:45 East (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
04  14:05 East (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
06  14:00 North (Unknown) Lower Ledge Corner
07  08:20 East (Unknown) Gargoyle
10  10:00 North (Male) Gargoyle
12  08:20 Flying Over Allotments heading North.
15  13:15 North (Unknown) Gargoyle
24  12:40 North (Male) Gargoyle
24  15:00 West (Male) Gargoyle

24  16:40 North (Male) BOX
25  06:50 North (Male) BOX
27  13:00 East (Female?) Gargoyle
27  17:00 East (Female?) Gargoyle
28  Various  Visited the box all day Stayed all night
29  Various  Visited the box (Scraping) Didnt stay the night


09 14:00 North (Male) Box

11  Most of the day and night

12 Afternoon, departed at 16:42

Intermittent sightings of male ... but no female.

No further entries will be recorded here.


1   07:45 North (Male) Box
1   11:00 North (Male) Box
2   06:51 North (Male) Box (Departed 9:56)
2   16:11 North (Male) Box (Departed 18:41)
3   07:45 East (Unknown) Gargoyle

3   09:15 North (Male) Box (Departed 9:25)
3   15:25 North (Male) Box
4   08:00 North (Unknown) Gargoyle
4   16:05 North (Unknown) Gargoyle
4   No Sightings on the Box
5   06:17 North (Male) Box
6   08:15 North (Unknown) Gargoyle
7   08:04 North (Male) Box
7   11:20 North (Male) Top Corner of tower 
8   08:27           (Unknown) South West Corner
8   16:00 North (Male) Box
8   16:20 West (Male) Gargoyle
9   06:30 North (Male) Box
11 07:00 North (Male) Box
12 06:20 North (Male) Box

13 06:32 North (Male) Box
14 07:25 North (Male) Box
14 Report received of mating 
15 06:30 North (Male) Box
15 13:15 North (Male) Box - Departed 18:15
16 06:30 North (Male) Box - Departed 08:30
17 06:00 North (Male) Box - with prey 
18 06:00 North (Male) Box
18 16:24 North (Male) Box
19 05:32 North (Male) Box - throughout day
20 06:30 North (Male) Box
21 05:39 North (Male) Box
21 15:12 East (Male) Gargoyle (then Box)
no recorded sightings due to technical difficulties 
25 12:00 East (Male) Gargoyle
25 13:47 North (Male) Box
26 12:50 North (Male) Box
27 15:52 North (Male) Box
28 07:10 North (Male) Box
29 18:10 North (Male) Box ...Departed 
30 06:00 North (Male) Box
31 08:45 North (Male) Box
31 16:00 West (Unknown) Gargoyle


Please note: These are random sightings and not a detailed or continuous survey of Peregrine activity at the church.

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